Our mission is to help the optimal development of children,
so that they can create a happy world.

The mission of our school is to create an environment where children are provided with support and inspiration for their overall and harmonious development. With an emphasis on the individual needs and interests of each child, we aim to support their physical, intellectual, emotional and social growth through a method that respects children's developmental needs, their independence, curiosity and desire to learn and aims to prepare children for successful participation in society and for their lifelong learning and development.
Our vision is an active school where children learn to live, think,
create and work with love and reason.
We give children wings so they can fly their own way...

AMI Montessori
Školní vzdělávací program "Dáváme dětem křídla, aby mohly letět vlastní cestou" naší školy plně splňuje výstupy z RVP ZV a vychází z kurikula Montessori pedagogiky. Řídíme se mezinárodními standardy AMI Montessori (Association Montessori Internationale).